• Image of Jetwrench X Mutha Puaka

Many moons ago, a Mutha Puaka was riding his chopper in Okayama, Japan when he met a 100-year-old virgin standing on a bridge. The virgin said to the Mutha Puaka, "guess my name or I will sack your deck."

Not wanting to have his deck sacked by a 100-year-old virgin, the Mutha Puaka called upon his ancestors for help, and saw the virgin's name written in the sky by a winged die. Her name was Matimati Tamaokasi, and he shouted it loud and proud to her face.

Shocked and outraged, she cursed the Mutha Puaka, turning him into a one-eyed pig.

"Cool," thought the Mutha Puaka, and he rode off coolly to show his hot new bod to his buddy Jetwrench at his pinstriping studio.

To commemorate the curse, the Mutha Puaka asked Jetwrench to paint a picture of him on his bike.

Here it is in all its glory. Your nights will never be the same again. Be a Mutha Puaka every day!

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